Writing Castle of the Wolf - SANDRA SCHWAB | Historical Romance Author

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Writing Castle of the Wolf

Bookshelf > Stand-alone Novels > Castle of the Wolf Extras

Many people told me that the book after the debut novel was the most difficult to write. And indeed, I spent an indecent amount of time agonizing, worrying and second-guessing myself. As a result my heroine got stuck on board of a steamship on the Rhine for months on end, the Castle of Wolfenbach (the main setting of the novel) was nearly flattened by a meteor (while all my characters would have been INSIDE the castle), and I harboured devious thoughts of having my protagonists abducted by aliens (Monty Python, anybody?). In short, Castle of the Wolf became known as "the dratted WIP" and I was convinced my powers of storytelling were worse than those of a dinosaur. In August and September 2005, while I was writing the bulk of the novel (250 pages), things went from bad to worse. This found expression in various panicky, whiny, but (for everybody else) no doubt amusing entries on my blog. And here they are: the collected trials and tribulations of writing Castle of the Wolf. Read them and weep. :)

First Blog Entry on CASTLE OF THE WOLF
The poor heroine is stuck on the Rhine. Perhaps we should try something different?

Arrival at Wolfenbach
Heroine finally managed to reach the dratted castle. (With excerpt!)

Plotting and Other Catastrophes
The troubles and problems start in earnest. Author is a nervous wreck.

Building a Castle
Putting together the Castle of Wolfenbach, the main setting.

Hero Freaking Out
Hero freaks out, nothing goes according to plan, author is somewhat bewildered.

Hero, Wet & Naked
With excerpt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More freaking out
Both author and heroine freak out. Enter utter madness...

Inspiration Struck
... the author, that is.

62 More Pages to Make the 400 Pages

Author totally freaks out (again).

The Muse Is Sulking
Author is ready to break down and cry.

The Muse Relented
... and produced an intertextual reference to the Edda.

Nearly Done
Gothicness stomped to dust by characters with sturdy boots.

Even more nearly done
Can you believe this?

The first draft is finished!

The Gloom after Submitting the Manuscript
I'm a worse story-teller than a dinosaur
Author, one hour after submission
Same day, author sunk into utter, utter gloom


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